Pray that God will move in the hearts of each person at Southeast and that we will hear His invitation to partner with Him.
Be part of the 100% engagement by fully committing to what God wants to do in you and through you during this season for our church. Allow this to be a journey of discipleship that strengthens your commitment and deepens your faith in God.
Make a CommitmentGod is going to do amazing things in your life during this season. Enthusiastically share with those around you how He is moving within you.
Ask God to show you what it looks like to give in a way that changes you and take whatever bold steps are required to see it through.
100% engagement means complete involvement by everyone who calls Southeast home. We desire that every single person takes his or her next step in discipleship and grows in generosity. We pray that God opens each of our hearts, unleashing us to be all and do all that He has called us to as we accept His invitation to partner with Him in Kingdom-building work.
We are asking everyone to make a two-year commitment to MOVE. The fulfillment period for your commitment begins in April 2025 and concludes in April 2027.
Pray Persistently: Pray and ask God “How do You want to move in me and through me?” Prepare your heart to hear Him and do what He says.
Commit Fully: Be part of the 100% engagement by fully committing to what God wants to do in you and through you during this season. Allow this to be a journey of discipleship that strengthens your commitment and deepens your faith in God.
Give Generously: Ask God to show you what it looks like to give in a way that changes you and take whatever bold steps are required to see it through. Make a sacrificial commitment to generosity—whatever it is that God leads you to do. We believe that something supernatural happens when the full force of the church comes together and everyone says, "I’m going to be a part of MOVE."
During these two years, every gift given to Southeast will be used for ongoing ministry at Southeast and to invest in the vision God has given us for the future. We have broken it into three categories: MOVE TOGETHER, MOVE FORWARD, and MOVE CLOSER. To learn more about how Southeast will steward the resources in each category, visit here.
Be creative as you explore ways you can give toward MOVE. You might have some stock, property, or other items of that nature. Or you may have some stored resources that God has blessed you with in the past that He might be calling you to give during this time. Please let us know if you need assistance with facilitating gifts of property or stock, and we would be happy to help you with that. You can contact our Finance Team at
At Southeast, we believe that it is all ONE MISSION that we’re on—to unleash the full force of the church to love people one at a time. So, we want to encourage all of us to unleash our generosity toward that mission. Beginning in April 2025, every gift you give to Southeast Christian Church will go toward both our ongoing ministries and the vision God has placed in front of us for the future. We are treating these priorities as one, and our Leadership Team will set a single budget that covers the commitments we make together during this MOVE season. It’s all part of one vision, moving toward what God is calling us to do.
This MOVE discipleship journey of generosity was designed with you in mind. Every gift given to Southeast over the next two years goes toward MOVE. So, you don’t need to be a regular giver already to participate. MOVE is a call to sacrificial generosity for EVERYONE at Southeast. If you have never given before, this is your chance to start and commit to the work God is doing in and through our church.
MOVE is about the vision of our church. We would love for you to make Southeast your home and join us in the MOVE discipleship journey. If you are ready, this is a perfect time for you to put a stake in the ground and make this your church home. To learn more, stop by the Connection Center in the lobby or text CONNECT to 733733.
For all finance and giving-related questions, please email For all other questions, please visit
“For in him we live and move and have our being…”
Acts 17:28 NIV