More than 60 years ago, a small group of believers with a bold faith gathered together, willing to take God-honoring risks, and Southeast Christian Church was born.
In the years since, we’ve continued to trust God as He moves our hearts toward the lost, instilling a desire to meet people where they are and to care for the vulnerable while sharing the hope of Jesus.
We believe God continues moving us as a church—perhaps now more than ever! We believe He is moving us together to unleash our current campuses and ministries, moving us forward to bring the good news of Jesus to people across the world, and moving us closer to those who are hurting and often unseen.
This is an exciting season in our church as we accept God’s invitation to partner with Him in a way we’ve never done before. We pray that He will move in and through each person who calls Southeast home, growing us in generosity while increasing His Kingdom.
For over 60 years, our church has been a beacon of hope in our community—a place where lives are transformed by the one-at-a-time love of Jesus. We’ve witnessed God’s faithfulness time and time again, seeing Him move in ways we could have never dreamed of or imagined. But as we look to the future, I believe God is calling us to continue our legacy of making bold moves for the Kingdom.
In Acts 17:28, we read, “For in him we live and move and have our being.…” This verse has become the foundation for what we believe is the next chapter in our church’s story—a two-year discipleship journey and generosity initiative we’re calling MOVE.
MOVE isn’t just about maintaining what we have, it’s about boldly stepping into what God has next for us. It’s about seeing thousands of lives changed, new churches planted, and the Gospel reaching places it’s never been before. It’s about moving together as one church, moving forward in our mission, and moving closer to those who need Jesus most.
Southeast Christian Church has an incredible legacy of risky obedience and sacrificial generosity when God calls us to more. From our humble beginnings to where we are today, sacrifice, courage, and bold faith have been hallmarks of our journey. I pray that we won’t just say of the history of Southeast, “Look what God has done,” but that we will say, “God, please do it again. Do something new!” Now is the time for us to step into this new season, ready to move, ready for what God wants to do in and through us.
MOVE isn’t a capital campaign or fundraising event; it’s a discipleship journey that will challenge us to pursue more passionately, believe more radically, give more generously, and serve more sacrificially than ever before. It will expand our comfort zones and stretch our faith. This isn’t just about building buildings or growing numbers—it’s about seeing lives radically transformed by the power of the Gospel.
My prayer is that God does transformative work in each of us individually that will fuel what He wants to do through us collectively. My prayer is that we open our hearts to how He wants to move in this season.
It’s time to move and live for what matters most. The wind of the Holy Spirit is blowing, and together, we will raise our sails to see what God has next. I can’t wait to catch the wind with you.
For in Him we live and MOVE and have our being,
Kyle Idleman
Senior Pastor
Our main focus is complete involvement by everyone at Southeast—discovering together what God is calling us to in this season. We want every single person to take his or her next step in discipleship and grow in generosity. Our prayer is for God to open each of our hearts, unleashing us to be all and do all that He has called us to.
secondary goal
We will accept God’s invitation to partner with him in Kingdom-building work as we move:
We’re asking you to join us on a spiritual journey with God, to take the largest step of generosity you’ve ever taken, as we move together to take the largest step of faith we’ve ever taken.
God is on the move, and He is inviting us to join Him. We believe He wants to grow our hearts in generosity, moving in us and through us as never before—together with one vision, forward to reach the lost with the good news of Jesus, and closer to those who are hurting and searching. Are you ready to take the next step on your discipleship journey of generosity?