To proclaim the Gospel and reach the lost
$75 Million
We desire to remove any barriers to experiencing new life in Jesus. Our goal is to see 10,000 baptisms in three years, across all our campuses.
Partnering strategically with church planters to begin 40 new churches in five years in the least reached and most overlooked parts of the U.S. Unified through Jesus, we need many kinds of churches to reach all kinds of people.
Modernize current campuses and existing ministries as needed to be warm and inviting for every person who walks through the doors. Whether they have been attending for years or are a first-time visitor, everyone should feel welcome, inspired, and loved.
Make the Gospel accessible to all of Liberia by financially partnering to translate the New Testament for the remaining 14 language groups who have never heard the name of Jesus in their native tongues.
Mobilize 250 people+ to move to the Arabian Peninsula. We seek to send professionals into all kinds of marketplace jobs, see students take internships and study abroad, and see families root their lives in this area of the world as they partner with local churches and ministries for the sake of reaching the lost.
Enhance the camp experience for both students and leaders so that anyone engaged with Southeast Camps will experience God’s purpose and passion for them like never before.
Strategically creating short-term trips that have long-term impact locally and globally. Our goal is to unleash 4,000 people in five years on a trip that spiritually transforms all involved.
Engage the digital world with the hope of Jesus to reach those who would otherwise never know it. We dream of a digital footprint that reaches thousands across the world and in prisons, connecting them in Christian community.