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Is Jesus the Only Way to God?
Jesus’ claim of being the way, the truth, and the life and that no one comes to the Father except through Him is politically incorrect. Guest Preacher Lee Strobel will walk us through three myths our culture has about religion.
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I Know Where I'm Going
Jesus began a disruptive sermon with the calming words, “Do not let your hearts be troubled.” Despite the world having changed a lot in the past few months, we know where we are going because we are following Jesus.
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Returning to Routine
God’s people begged Him to release them from Egypt. Lacking trust, they then begged to go back. As a church, we are never going back to how things were, because what God is inviting us into is bigger than ourselves and bigger than a new normal.
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Running From Hard
Wrestling with God, Jacob stepped into the hard thing God called him to. We also can wrestle with God through our doubt, fear, and laziness to invite Him to move in our lives. As a church, we are never going back to running from hard.
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Digging for Nothing
The dry wells God’s people had dug were never going to produce the living water they thirsted for. As a church, we are never going back to digging for nothing. Instead, we want to find satisfaction in the living water that never runs dry.
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Settling for Superficial
Naomi encourages Ruth to return to the relationship dynamics of their culture, but Ruth commits to living life with her mother-in-law. As a church, we are never going back to settling for superficial answers and surface-level relationships.
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Refusing to Change
After first refusing, Naaman saw deeper healing on the other side of humility. As a church, we are never going back to the versions of ourselves we trusted in. We want to step into the process of repentance, humility, and healing God is offering.
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Sitting Target
We are an instant culture. Satan knows this, as instant knowledge was at the heart of the fall. As hard days grow longer, we are tempted to give in to whatever fills the void. Yet, God knows the way out of temptation is the way into true living.
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Short Fuse
Pressure has a way of unleashing what has always been beneath the surface. When we identify the root of our anger, we can begin uprooting sin and rooting truth. Pressure is an invitation to awareness and, ultimately, a road to righteousness.
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Stir Crazy
Social distancing coupled with close quarters is a recipe for a stir-crazy household. Yet, God calls us to loosen our grip on the temporary and take hold of enduring constants, inviting us to experience His unshakeable, unending peace.
Mental Health & Wellness