Weather Cancellations


Teenagers and adults collaborate on a construction project in a parking lot, assembling wooden frames.

“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.”

1 peter 4:10 NIV

God has uniquely gifted each of us. While our talents may look different, each is essential in making Southeast a place known for sharing the love of Jesus with every person we encounter. No matter our passion, there is a place for each of us to serve—including you!

Featured Opportunity

Serve with SE!KIDS

When you serve with SE!KIDS, you play a huge role in helping make sure kids can Discover God, His Story, and Our Place in it!

Child playing in a colorful circular play area, surrounded by soft blocks and cushions.
Man in a bright yellow jacket directing traffic in a snowy parking lot, holding a red and white umbrella.

Opportunities to Serve

Please note that all who serve with minors or the Shine Disabilities Ministry must have attended Southeast for six months and complete an application process that includes a criminal background check, reference check, and Ministry Safe Awareness training.

Children's Ministry

Impact the youngest generation in our church by serving with SE!KIDS. From birth through 5th grade, our Children’s Ministry will train and equip you in all the ways you can serve.

Student Ministry

Invest in students from 6th grade through college-age with our Middle School, High School and College Age Ministries. From leading small groups to helping with large events, our student team will train you in everything you need to know.

Connections Ministry

Get involved by volunteering to serve on a team, either on Sunday mornings or throughout the week. Find an area you are best suited in from a variety of options, including greeting at our entries, directing in the parking lot, connecting guests at Guest Central, or hosting a group.

Worship Arts

On stage or behind the scenes, our Worship Arts volunteers serve within our worship services to encourage and connect people to Jesus.


There are a variety of ways you can serve with our Care team. Compassionate hearts are always needed. We’ll equip you with everything else.

Digital & Creative

We’re passionate about sharing stories and would love for you to join us. Whether it’s in front or behind the camera, we have a spot for you.

Sports & Fitness

Get involved with Southeast’s Sports & Fitness Ministry. Volunteers are needed in coaching youth sports teams, fitness instructing, cleaning our facility, and working at the control center.

Shine Disabilities

We want everyone to have a relationship with Jesus. Volunteers are needed to serve as an American Sign Language interpreter as well as to serve with children, youth, and adults with disabilities.

Local/Global Engagement

Connect to serving opportunities outside the walls of our church. Engage with your community, reach your neighborhood, and meet needs around the world.

Foster Care & Adoption

Join with us to care for vulnerable children and families in a variety of ways.  Whether you want to foster, adopt, mentor, or volunteer, we can help get you connected to the next step for your family.

SE Online

There’s more to SE Online than weekend services—we’re about building a digital community every day of the week! Come on mission with us and learn how to engage with our community, find your calling, and impact the world.

Ministry Support

Ministry comes in many forms. Our Ministry Support team works faithfully to provide tools and behind-the-scenes support for all our campuses.