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I Call to Mind
While the world focuses on chaos and confusion, we must call to mind who God is, using that as the lens by which to see the broken world and viewing our circumstances as an opportunity for others to see the difference Jesus makes.
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Empty the Jar
Emptying her jar on Jesus’ feet, the sinful woman embodied true worship. Jesus also calls us to empty our metaphorical jars upon His feet. The gifts we bring don’t just glorify Him; they transform us.
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Grip the Plow
Jesus said that no one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the Kingdom of God. As a follower, we must “grip the plow” and be personally engaged.
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Wreck the Roof
Just as four men made a way through the roof to bring a paralyzed friend to Jesus, we’re called to “wreck the roof” by committing to do whatever it takes to bring one more person to Him.
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Catch the Wind
Just as a sailboat isn’t going anywhere without wind, faith doesn’t move unless the Spirit moves first. So, how do we “catch the wind?” We raise the sails, staying in tune with Christ.
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Be the Branch
We can do nothing of real value apart from Jesus, and, since we’ve been grafted into Him together, we can’t do anything of real value apart from each other. We must “be the branch” to others.
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Naming It
Albert Tate challenges us to pray big prayers.
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Praying Big Prayers
Albert Tate challenges us to pray big prayers.
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Screen Door
Technology can help reach people for Christ as well as equip them in their faith. We can intentionally utilize technology in ways that will bear fruit in this world.
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Although created to connect the world, social media has become an illusion of importance. Instead, we must engage every platform with transparency and intentionality, knowing that God is seen through our everyday lives.
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