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Reframe: Your Attitude
Paul tells us, “Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ.” He invites us to stand firm on an unshakable foundation—and to reframe our attitude to be as that of Jesus toward every situation and relationship.
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Reframe: Your Struggles
Paul encourages us that, through Jesus, we can reframe the way we see the world, understanding that our struggles and setbacks can be used by God. Often the first step is lifting our eyes up from our situation to focus on how God is at work.
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Reframe: Your Confidence
As Paul, who is writing from prison, begins his letter to the Philippians, he frames his entire life in confidence that no matter what he faces, God has purpose within it. Paul reveals a mindset that we, as believers, want to take hold of.
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Forgive One Another
Forgiving Paul for how he persecuted believers in Christ, Barnabas gives a strong example of the fruit of forgiveness. Think of all those who came to know Jesus through Paul because Barnabas was willing to forgive him and stick up for him.
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Admonish One Another
Like in Acts 18 where Priscilla and Aquila corrected Apollos in a gentle, humble manner as they “explained to him the way of God more adequately,” that should be our goal when we admonish one another.
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Accept One Another
Just as God has accepted us, we are to accept those who are different from us. By doing so, we share His love, bringing Him praise.
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Spur One Another On
Hebrews 10:24 calls us to “consider how we may spur one another on toward love and other good deeds.” Paul shows us what this means when, as he is preparing to leave, he encourages his friends in Ephesus to remain faithful and to follow his example.
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Encourage One Another
We are to comfort one another with the hope we have in God, providing encouragement to remain true to the Lord.
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Bear One Another’s Burdens
Just as the lame beggar in Acts 3 was literally carried, we are to carry the physical and spiritual burdens of others so they can experience the restoration that comes only through Jesus.
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The Way Back
Marriage is to be viewed in light of eternity. Seasons of marriage—good, bad, and bittersweet—will come and go, but marriage only finds its meaning when it is used to honor the Lord and enjoyed as a blessing from Him.
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