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Modeling Marriage
Marriage is meant to be a tangible expression of the unity between Christ and the Church, but it is a profound mystery. Because of this, the health of a marriage can make it easier or more difficult to understand God’s loving heart for His people.
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Ben Stuart on Marriage
Pastor and author Ben Stuart joins us to speak from God’s Word as he shares a message about marriage.
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Advancing the Real Life
SE Online is more than a video—it is a community that we are advancing wherever God has placed us. We are to take advantage of our unique location. No matter the situation we find ourselves in, we are to be used by God for the good of our community.
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Living in Real Life
Living the real life is a distinctive way to think about everyday things: encounters with people, successes, failures, and so on. When we live in Christ, peace is the dominant trait we have with life’s curveballs.
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Barriers to Real Life
False teaching is one of the most common obstacles we face to living the real life in Christ. The mystery of the Gospel is that we are made alive in Him alone. Just as we received Christ by a mysterious miraculous power, so also do we live in Him.
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Searching for Real Life
Everyone is searching for their best life, trying to find meaning to life’s most important events. We know the real life is found in knowing Christ and having faith that in Him alone we are made perfect. It is what you are searching to find.
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Dealing with Difficult People
Pastor, author, and rapper Trip Lee joins us to speak to us from God’s Word and to share a message on his heart.
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The Father You've Always Wanted
Sherman Smith, a man with an extraordinarily unique experience with fatherhood, joins us on Father’s Day weekend to share his story and point us toward “the Father we’ve always wanted.”
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What Really Matters
We either sprint through Summer without taking time to reflect or we don’t approach our days with purpose. Both leave us wishing we would have prioritized things differently. Former Senior Pastor Dave Stone helps to remind us of what really matters.
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Blinded By Despair
Elijah is a Biblical hero, person of faith, and prophet who battled extreme despair, hopelessness, and a feeling of being alone. When it seemed like there was no motivation for him to move forward, God met Elijah in a whisper and cared for him.
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