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Blinded By Bitterness
Jonah’s story is often minimized to a kids’ tale about being swallowed by a big fish, but it is permeated with anger, arrogance, prejudice, and bitterness. When bitterness is living in our blind spot, we can become numb to the grace and mercy of God.
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Blinded By Frustration
As Moses leads 2 million people out of slavery in Egypt, friction is inevitable. Frustrated, Moses misses out on the complete experience of God’s goodness and faithfulness. Frustration isn’t always sinful, but it always makes life less simple.
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Blinded By Fear
While described as a “mighty warrior,” Gideon—selected by God to deliver the Israelites from oppression—isn’t intimidating. His fear blinds him to the fact that salvation is not dependent on the proficiency of humans but, instead, the power of God.
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Blinded By Discouragement
Hannah’s discouragement from a barren womb and difficult marriage situation blinded her to the power and presence of God. However, when she does pour out her heart to the Lord, she models how we should properly process our pain and discouragement.
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Blinded By Arrogance
Samson’s arrogance takes on many forms, including, in some cases, abusing his God-given strength for personal gain. His strength, ultimately, is one of his greatest weaknesses. His metaphorical blind spot becomes the reason for his literal blindness.
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Blinded By Anger
The first person born, Cain blazed the trail of blind spots. Before Cain kills his brother, God warns: “Sin is crouching at your door.” But blinded to his anger, Cain makes a devastating decision, kindling the fire of violence yet to be extinguished.
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Then Came Sunday
The resurrection of Jesus changed the world forever. Without it, we’d still be stuck in our sins with no hope beyond the grave. But this week, we praise God that the sadness of Friday leads through the sorrow of Saturday to the celebration of Sunday.
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Beneath the Water
Through Jesus’ death and resurrection, it’s possible to live life the way it was meant to be lived. We can join Jesus in His death and new life through baptism. It’s time to step into or celebrate new life, leaving everything else beneath the water.
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Rest and War
Life is hard, but there are promises to grip, strategies to employ. Flee evil and pursue intimacy with your Creator. Uproot what is broken and cultivate what is life-giving. Make war on what is destructive and rest in the God who loves you.
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Rhythms of Grace
The only solution to spiritual, emotional, and physical exhaustion is a spiritual, emotional, and physical rhythm of rest. Jesus, our Shepherd, invites us to join Him in a new type of life where our souls can be truly refreshed.
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