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Give Me the Beat
God created humans, and in the very next scene, He rested. From the beginning of human history, He has been training us to live to the beat of His heart, resting in Him before all else. We were created to work out of our rest, not rest from our work.
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Renewed and Restored
We’re all sexually broken and in need of renewed and restored hearts and minds. Join us as we walk through David’s painfully honest prayer in Psalm 51, remembering the remedy for our sexual brokenness is reliance on the God who heals and forgives.
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Why Does God Care Who I Sleep With?
Pastor and Author Sam Allberry reminds us of God’s good design for the expression of human sexuality while giving us a Biblical perspective of what sex is designed to be and what it’s designed to do for us.
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You've Heard It Said
In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus confronts popular religious messages that contradict His vision for human life and sexuality. We’ll uncover the misinformed messages that have infiltrated the church and been cloaked as “Biblical” views of sexuality.
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In the Beginning
Our culture calls the pursuit of sexual freedom and fulfillment good, yet it only leads to deeper brokenness and captivity to our sinful desires. Embracing God’s vision for sexuality and intimacy allows us to experience the deep beauty of His design.
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The Power of And
Pastor Mark Moore, in his book Quest 52, focuses on the one-on-one encounters of Jesus. Many started with compassion but were followed by action. Join us as Mark shares how we often feel compassion but miss the “and” to join our emotions to action.
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Extra Mile Mentality
In the parable of the Good Samaritan, Jesus helps us understand that one-at-a-time living requires an out-of-the-way kind of love for people. He teaches His followers to have an extra mile mentality with one person at a time no matter the cost.
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Jesus teaches that when the Kingdom intersects into our lives, it can grow far beyond seemingly small beginnings. We are to be intentional with intersections, seeing every opportunity—no matter the size—as a Kingdom opportunity God can do much with.
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Proximity Principle
One of the words that best captures the love of Jesus is the word proximity. Jesus warned the religious not to refuse the invitation of living in proximity with Him. As believers, our proximity to God’s heart reflects our proximity to those He loves.
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In Then Through
We want God to do great things through us, but He almost always wants to do something in us first. Maybe the best way to be a person of impact is not to say, “God, what do You want to do through me?” but instead, “God, what do You want to do in me?”
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