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Zoom Lens
Time and again, Jesus went out of His way for one. It might seem impractical or even reckless, but He was willing to go all in for one. Who is the one we need to focus our attention on finding? How impractical and reckless might we become for one?
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A Call to Holiness
We were made for God such that He has total claim over every facet of our lives, including what we do with our bodies. We are to run from temptation and continually offer our whole persons—our bodies and our hearts—to God for the glory of His name.
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SE Online Message
An online only service with a special message from Kyle Idleman.
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Looking Back on God's Providence
Within this Christmas story filled with uncertainty, we see God’s providence in how He sent each angel to convey His message of good news. We trust He also will bring just what and who we need to reassure our hearts and accomplish His purposes.
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The Sacrifices We Make
From the time Joseph heard the news of Mary’s pregnancy, through living on the run for three years in Egypt, he was constantly giving. Joseph sacrificed his pride, his livelihood, his plans for the future, and his financial security.
Empty the Jar
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Looking Back on God's Promises
Joseph must have been overwhelmed when told Mary was pregnant through the Holy Spirit. An angel reassured him God was keeping His promises—Joseph just needed to trust the message. Echoed throughout Scripture, this promise is just as true today.
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The Gifts We Give
The wise men specifically brought three gifts to Jesus. Whatever their intent, the gifts were likely used in His family’s escape to and provision in Egypt. When we give, we have the privilege of entering into and being a part of God’s great story.
Empty the Jar
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Looking Back on God's Plan
Mary was told that she would bring God in the flesh into this world through the work of the Holy Spirit. With this came uncertainty. Yet, Mary chose to look back and celebrate the broader plan of God that placed her circumstances in perspective.
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The Opportunities We Miss
King Herod pretended to want to honor Jesus, but in his heart resented Jesus’ birth. Had Herod joined the wise men in worship and generosity, his story would have changed forever. Instead, his legacy is that of a king desperate for power at any cost.
Empty the Jar
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The Journey We Take
The wise men left families, comfort, and security to celebrate Jesus’ birth. As we think about the incarnation and see the journey Jesus took to give us life, we also should take a journey to celebrate the gift and to honor Him with gifts of our own.
Empty the Jar
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