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Everything in Every Way
Jesus is the answer for every uncertainty, and He will lead the Church in everything and in every way. There is a profound freedom and deepened understanding of our identity when we know that remaining in Him will give us all we need for all we face.
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Please Stand Up
There sometimes seems to be a gap between knowing what is true about us as believers and living out of that reality. Paul reminds us that Jesus is the starting point and that in Christ we can find who we truly are and what we are living for.
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How Can I Stop Being Offended?
What if Christians were the most unoffendable people? Join us as Brant Hansen, author of Unoffendable: How Just One Change Can Make All of Life Better, teaches how to lift religious burdens from our backs in order to experience the joy of gratitude.
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How Do I Get Through This?
After Katherine survived a near-fatal stroke, she and her husband Jay’s life changed—but so did how they view God, the world, and themselves in it. Join us as they share how we can walk we with God and others in suffering.
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Questions About Suicide
Millions contemplate suicide each year. As a physician and minister, Dr. Matthew Sleeth has a unique understanding of depression and suicide. Join us as he shares how we as the church can come alongside a culture of suicide.
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Can I Trust the Bible?
Reasoning for anything is just a Google search away, but that can make truth feel relative, even impacting our understanding of the Bible. Join us as Pastor Mark Moore, author of CORE 52, discusses today’s question.
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Why Hasn't God Answered My Prayers?
We’ve all wrestled with this question, and some have even walked away from God after struggling to find an answer. Join us as Pastor Rusty George, author of After Amen: What to Do While You're Waiting on God discusses today’s question.
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Revived by Grace
Almost all of us are broken by sexual sin in some way or another. No matter if the wounds are self-inflicted or caused by those we’ve loved and trusted, we celebrate knowing that God’s grace and mercy can give us a fresh start and new beginning.
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Refreshed by Intimacy
Sex was God’s gift to us, to be enjoyed in marriage. While a selfish marriage can cause a husband or wife to be more susceptible to sexual sin, intimacy between them in a covenant relationship can unveil God’s good design for sexual satisfaction.
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Destroyed by Desire
People will risk everything to satisfy their sexual urges only to find themselves more unsatisfied than ever. Before going further down the path of lust, ask yourself where it is leading. Pleasure or pain? And how much will it cost those around you?
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