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Unqualified to Unleased
Peter and John were described as unschooled and ordinary. Yet, God used these words to unleash them. Their courage and confidence were the byproduct of a life with Jesus. Acts 4:13 tells us the key to being unleashed is spending time with Jesus.
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In But Not Of
Jesus prays for God to be glorified, for believers to be unified, and for hearts to be protected by the Word—not for the world to like us. Jesus instead prays that, through seeing God’s love for us, the world would know God’s love as He does.
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United But Not the Same
Having just prayed for the disciples, Jesus shifts to praying that all who would believe Him would reflect the unity and oneness of the Father and the Son. As believers, we will love the world as Christ loves us, pursuing unity, not uniformity.
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Protected But Not Comfortable
Believers know if God is for us, who can be against us? Jesus prays for our protection so we can stay in but not of the world—not that we will be comfortable. He knows the world will hate all who follow Him, but He prays the Word will sustain them.
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Here But Not Home
This world of brokenness is not our final home, but we live here to show the world God’s original intention. Through the cross, we step obediently into the continuing work of Jesus through the Holy Spirit, living here with eyes toward heaven.
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From Overthinking to Overcoming
We have to trust what Jesus says and not let our questions get in the way. There’s a lot we don’t know, but we know the One who knows all. No matter what comes through those doors, we will fully trust what Jesus says because He overcame the world.
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Sweet Sorrow
Jesus knows His departure will bring His disciples tears but one day they will rejoice because He will return. We also will see Jesus face to face one day! No matter what comes through those doors, we hold on to that joy in the midst of sadness.
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Tales of a Tour Guide
We may skip a guided tour thinking we know enough. The problem is we don’t know what we don’t know. Jesus promised the Holy Spirit would guide us through this life. No matter what comes through those doors, we turn to the Spirit for guidance.
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You Don't Got This
While independence can be seen as strength and asking for help weakness, Jesus warns us about what is coming to take the weight off our shoulders. No matter what comes through those doors, we need to depend on God instead of relying on ourselves.
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Picked Up and Never Put Down
“I chose you.” Jesus spoke these words to His disciples and now to us. “Chose” can also be translated as “picked up.” Jesus has picked us up, and we can be confident in His hands. He has chosen every single one of us on purpose and with a purpose.
Be the Branch
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