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The Truth About Your Feelings
Jesus is described in Scripture as coming “full of grace and truth,” yet we often lean into just one or the other. However, when our feelings meet the God full of full grace and truth, they can lead us back to the promise of freedom found in Christ.
The Path to True Community
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You're Not Alone
Both within and outside the church, there is a lot of pain. But just as Jesus, in John 5, healed an invalid man who felt alone, He wants to meet us on our mats and call us into healing, purpose, and community if we are willing to listen to Him.
The Path to True Community
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Generous with Grace
Marriage, in a Biblical sense, creates a unique oneness between a husband and a wife. A generous, thoughtful, sacrificial sex life can strengthen the bond of marriage and serve as an example of the unique oneness God wants to have with His people.
Generous Marriage
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Sexual Generosity
Marriage, in a Biblical sense, creates a unique oneness between a husband and a wife. A generous, thoughtful, sacrificial sex life can strengthen the bond of marriage and serve as an example of the unique oneness God wants to have with His people.
Generous Marriage
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Emotionally Generous
Scripture is clear that our generosity benefits us more than those who receive it. We are to be generous toward our spouse with our words, time, and attention. Oddly enough, such selfless love may lead to a sweeter marital experience for us, too.
Generous Marriage
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The Generous Marriage
In 2 Corinthians, Paul says, “Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.” This principle is also true relationally, as a healthy marriage is dependent on how spouses view one another.
Generous Marriage
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A New Way of Working
On this Father’s Day, we’re reminded that when we call on a Heavenly Father, we experience a new way of working that transforms our lives. Our hearts are turned toward the risen Jesus who fills us with hope and faith to walk in a new kind of life.
When Your Way Isn't Working
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Wired for Connection
Peter knew what it was like to walk with Jesus but denied Him when He went to the cross. Still, Jesus invited him back into the simple way of connection with two words: “Follow me.” It’s not about what we do for Jesus—it’s about being with Jesus.
When Your Way Isn't Working
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Disconnection Dashboard
We can be around Jesus without really being connected to His power and presence, but a moment of simple trust in Him changes everything. When all signs point to a disconnection problem, Jesus invites us to trust that apart from Him we can do nothing.
When Your Way Isn't Working
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Destiny: Believing that God Is Weaving Everything Together
Reunited with his brothers, Joseph sees how one thing led to another, telling them, “What you meant for evil, God was working out for good.” The highest view of God’s sovereignty is that He is weaving everything together for our good and His glory.
One Thing Leads to Another
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