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Invisible Army
An invisible war is all around us, but so is an invisible army through prayer that will surround us on all occasions. We pray knowing that we don’t fight for victory—we fight from victory in Christ, who has already won through His work on the cross.
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Invisible Armor
The majority of the spiritual attacks we face are unseen, with the battleground in our minds. God wants to equip and prepare us to stand against the enemy’s schemes. This means becoming aware of those schemes and putting on the full armor of God.
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Invisible Enemy
Beneath our tangible landscape lurks an invisible spiritual realm where unseen battles rage. It’s a serious enemy we are up against, and Ephesians 6 offers us a serious solution—to unlock the strength we can find in the Lord and in His mighty power.
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A Sacred Submission
Part of the mission God has given us in this life is to submit to those in authority in a way that follows the example of Jesus. Believers see submission as a sacred duty and even more so as a lifelong way of continually growing in submission to God.
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Submission Competition
Biblical submission comes from the example of Jesus on the cross—a willing action inspired by love instead of forced obligation. Freely given submission is an opportunity to reflect the way of Jesus through a lifetime of sacrifice toward one another.
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Switch Your Perspective
While the days are certainly evil, we don’t live with hopelessness, knowing Jesus is over everything in every way. Yet, instead of living with apathy, we engage. We live by the power of the Spirit and join God in the work of making all things new.
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Switch Your Standards
When Jesus invited us to a new way of living, He was calling us to embrace being children of God who live in the light. This means that our standards for life switch from being merely about what we shouldn’t do to discovering what pleases the Lord.
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Switch Your Flip
As the Spirit renews our thoughts and attitudes, our language begins to adjust. Lies are no longer on our lips and anger doesn’t fill our body. Instead, we practice putting on our new nature given through the Holy Spirit.
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Switch Your Thinking
Discovering who we are changes how we live and begins with switching our thinking to become more like Christ. As the Spirit renews our thoughts and attitudes, we learn what it means to live in a way toward ourselves and others that pleases the Lord.
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Your True Tribe
As believers, our identity isn’t in tribalism rooted in political affiliations or personal preferences. Our true tribe is found in the body of Christ, and this higher identity is the gateway to a deeper community than this world could ever offer.
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