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We are Restored
Isaiah 11 describes Jesus as a shoot that bears fruit growing up from the stump of Jesse. Jesus has come to restore, to give purpose, and to cultivate our lives in such a way that we bear fruit, no matter how far gone things may sometimes seem.
A Light Has Dawned
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We Have Seen
When light enters the room, it changes the way we see everything. Jesus is our light, and His coming into the world has the ability to change the landscape and perspective of our lives forever. We have seen a great light, and His name is Jesus.
A Light Has Dawned
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A Test of Obedience
When we are obedient to God’s call to generosity, it’s not so much that we are giving TO the church, but THROUGH the church. This kind of giving allows it to be in the name of Jesus, displays God’s power, and points people to the hope we have in Him.
This Is A Test
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A Test of Gratitude
Gratitude and generosity go hand in hand—gratitude wells up in generosity, inviting the blessing of God, leading to gratitude. We invite you to give yourself fully to God and experience that commitment well up to shape your heart through generosity.
This Is A Test
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A Test of Affection
Money and possessions reveal our heart’s affection. How we handle money tells the story of what is most important to us. As we open this series, we want to start by going straight to the heart—what is the deepest desire of our heart?
This Is A Test
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Who Is Our Enemy?
The unseen war behind all wars features an already-defeated enemy. Although defeated, he is desperate and will do everything he can to distract the people of God from the true battle. When we know who our enemy is, we know what to keep our focus on.
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How Can I Be Ready?
Jesus was concerned His disciples could easily grow comfortable in their waiting for His return. His challenge to them—and us—was to be ready, to live in such a way as to still have an urgency in the waiting and be prepared for the coming of Christ.
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Will I Be Raptured?
In Revelation, John charges us to live a life of faithfulness to Jesus regardless of our trials and tribulations. We are assured that where there is judgement for the sins of the world, there is also mercy from the One who has overcome the world.
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What Are the Signs?
Even in the midst of many signs, we won’t know what day the Lord will come. Speaking to His disciples near the end of His ministry, Jesus placed the emphasis of the topic not so much on when the end times will come, but on how we live within them.
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Is Jesus Coming Back?
Near the end of His ministry, Jesus shared with His disciples that He would return someday. His challenge was to keep watch, not living focused on what’s fleeting, but instead living with the end in mind—Jesus will return as the King and Lord of all.
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