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Self-Control When You're Not Feeling It
The Spirit helps us see sin for what it is, but we often live by our feelings instead. Seeing sin for what it is, we don’t begrudgingly curb our sinful desires but gladly strive for self-control like a sinking swimmer reaches for a life preserver.
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Gentleness When You're Offended
Bitterness, rage, anger, and slander seem to be our first language, but if we tune out the loudest voices, we can hear the Spirit guiding us into a life of gentleness, where we don’t scream for attention but are slow to anger and quick to forgive.
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Faithfulness When You're Still Waiting
Faithfulness is the practical response to a confident expectation that God will do what He said He would. The Spirit develops faithfulness in us so confident in God’s promises that we choose obedience even when the reward doesn’t come when we expect.
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Kindness and Goodness When No One Notices
Noting the relational shift that occurs in our lives when we’re led by the Spirit, Paul, in Galatians 6, clarifies what it means to be filled with “goodness.” The Spirit calls and empowers us to never give up on goodness and to give it away freely.
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Patience When You've Had Enough
When people irritate us, it’s like they’re chipping away at our restraint. However, the duration and intensity of our patience has a lot more to do with the promised return of Jesus. The Spirit empowers us to live patiently in light of eternity.
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Peace When You Have No Control
The type of peace Paul talks about in Philippians 4 isn’t dependent on our circumstances or our sense of safety. It’s a Spirit-facilitated internal restfulness that comes from bringing our needs to God and aligning our thinking with His heart.
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Joy When There's No Reason
The resurrection of Jesus and the Gospel message offers a type of joy and hope that can’t be stolen. We don’t become who we were made to be by going beyond these simple Gospel realities, but by going deeper into them, following the Spirit’s lead.
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Love When It's Not Deserved
The love that the Spirit cultivates in us is not self-seeking or self-centered—it’s sacrificial. As we become the people God created us to be, we begin to choose what’s best for others, even when it costs us.
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Student Takeover
Student ministry is not an island to itself, but an important, vital part of the church. During this special weekend, we’re reminded that the church isn’t segmented by ministries but that we're all part of the same team working together.
Student Takeover
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Who's Your Crew
When God came in the flesh and lived as we were intended to, He did so in community. Jesus prayed for who God wanted Him to do life with. Who are the people God has or wants to bring into your life to join you on the path to true community?
The Path to True Community