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Shine a Light
In Psalm 32, David feels the weight of his sin growing and only experiences relief by doing the one thing sin desperately wishes we wouldn’t: confess. In revealing what was hidden, David finds that God is his ultimate hiding place.
Clear the Stage
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Keep Your Focus
Every day we are given an opportunity to live distracted or devoted to the cause of Christ. We want to commit to keeping our focus on getting the message of Jesus to the ends of the earth and letting that focus put everything else in perspective.
Wreck the Roof
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Call For Help
Acts 12 begins with God’s people surrounded by hardship, but it concludes with the Word of God continuing to spread and flourish. Make no mistake about it, when the Church calls for help, God hears and delivers.
Wreck the Roof
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Embrace the Mess
Despite fear and having never been to a Gentile’s house, Peter obeyed God and visited the home of a Roman army officer. Embracing the mess meant moving beyond what was easy, known, and comfortable—and the result was a powerful spiritual experience.
Wreck the Roof
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Remove the Obstacles
Led by the Spirit to a man interested in God, Philip identified and removed the obstacles standing between the man and faith, using the limited resources available to him—his presence, his hope in Jesus, and his unique surroundings.
Wreck the Roof
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Watch for Opportunities
As a church, we are committed to watching for the opportunities before us through prayer, teaching, and sacrifice, and by trusting God to give us a deeper vision and purpose in every aspect of our lives.
Wreck the Roof
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Wreck the Roof
We cannot be who God has called us to be without His Spirit that directs, shapes, and moves us. The key to expanding the hope of Christ to the ends of the earth is to live in the power of the Spirit. Only then can we begin to Wreck the Roof.
Wreck the Roof
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Simple with Stuff
Simplicity is an exercise in trust, forcing us to adopt a faith-filled, eternal view on our resources. As we trust more deeply in God’s promises for eternity, our lives and hearts become less cluttered with stuff and more Christ-like in simplicity.
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Simple with Schedule
Our natural tendency is to allow our schedule to be commandeered by the seemingly urgent matters that have captivated us. However, we want to be people who order our lives, and specifically our schedules, around the only One who is really needed.
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Simple, But Not Easy
Everyone builds their life upon something or someone. It’s a simple reality, but it has eternal ramifications. The foundation we build our lives upon determines the stability and destination of our souls.
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