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Deliverance: Releasing the Past and Moving Forward
Joseph found new sorts of freedom and healing in forgiving his brothers and honoring God. We have the power to make the same sort of choice. We can never go wrong by choosing to let love and humility impact our response to people and God.
One Thing Leads to Another
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Dedication: Doing the Daily Work of God’s Will
Carrying out the will of God is a daily practice. Joseph spent seven years leading people and overseeing preparation for a famine. His work may have felt monotonous and thankless, but it was that daily dedication that God used to “save many lives.”
One Thing Leads to Another
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Distractions: Refusing to Settle for Less than God’s Best
Rising to power in Potiphar’s household after he was sold into slavery by his brothers, Joseph may have wondered if this was the fulfillment of the dream God had given him. We can miss God’s will by settling for less than what He has in mind for us.
One Thing Leads to Another
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Detours: Making Sense of Where You Are
After a dream from God of how he would lead, Joseph is sold into slavery by his brothers. Our circumstances may make it feel like we’re headed in the wrong direction, but we later learn those detours are a strategic path to get us where God wants.
One Thing Leads to Another
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Dreams: Understanding God’s Will
God planted a vision of the future in Joseph’s heart, but this vision wouldn’t be fully realized for decades. Just like Joseph, when we’re seeking to understand the will of God, obstacles abound that can leave us feeling confused or discouraged.
One Thing Leads to Another
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Wake Up, O Sleeper
This Easter, we invite you to listen to the call of Ephesians 5:14 NIV: “Wake up, sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.” Join us as we hear the hope Jesus offers each of us by turning our rejection into redemption.
Easter With Southeast 2023
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More than a Song
At its best, worship is posturing our heart and life toward sacrifice through giving, serving, and glorifying God through word and deed. Our prayer is to be believers who don’t just worship one hour a week, but with every aspect of our lives.
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Crush the Idols
So much of a lack of submission to the Lord comes from an idolatry of something else. This week, we’ll walk through the need to examine the idols we are exposed to so we make sure our focus is on the right thing.
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Read the Word
Lying is the weapon of the enemy, deceiving us into choosing sin and distancing ourselves from God. In Psalm 19, David reflects on the truth of God’s Word and how meditating on it equips us to fight the lies and embrace the full life that God offers.
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Seek the Lord
The heart of prayer is to seek God, to welcome Him into every circumstance and situation. In Psalm 34, David expresses how prayer takes control out of his hands and places it into God’s hands, pushing those who pray into deeper dependence on Him.
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